Community, Comics & Poverty w/Peter Schmidt & Andy Shaggy Korty | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 311

There are a lot of "firsts" in this episode! First episode with Taylor in his new recording set up. First time guest cohost Peter Schmidt has been on the show and first time for Catholic comics creator Andy Shaggy Korty!

Taylor introduces Peter and they talk about the online Catholic young adult community he's been able to create through Game of Favorites (on Taylor also has a confession to make about last week's show that made him feel VERY dumb.

Andy Shaggy Korty is our guest this week and he shares about his new idea "Nov Arts Ordo." Andy is an incredible comics creator who's plan is to invite other creators to make something each day in November that is connected to the saints. Connect with Andy on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @andyshaggykorty.

Peter closes out the show with a topic he wanted to focus on: poverty. They discuss how whether we are rich, poor or anywhere in between, we can all still struggle with our connection to money.


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Episode art by Becka Gerhart

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at

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