Today, we tackle on of the greatest arguments against belief in God: the problem of suffering and evil. How could a good, loving and all powerful God allow evil to happen in the world? I share some of the Church's teaching on how to approach the problem of evil & discuss the Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven & Hell.
In this week's session, I explore some of the common Protestant objections to the Catholic faith and try to provide some answers to those challenges. In part 2, I tackle Sola Scriptura, the Pope, Saints, Mary & Salvation.
In this week's session, I explore some of the common Protestant objections to the Catholic faith and try to provide some answers to those challenges.
In this session, I explore the relationship between faith & science. We discuss how these are two essential components in seeking the truth that don't have to contradict one another. We also explore the Church's relationship with science, some of the greatest Catholic scientists throughout history & how miracles fit into all of this.
In today's session, we talk about the proofs of God's existence. We start with the famous five proofs from St. Thomas Aquinas, move in to some arguments from history and finally the arguments of personal experience.
In this introduction, I explain what Apologetics is, its role in building up our own faith & how it helps us to share our faith with others. We look at how Jesus answered questions, the importance of asking good questions, some best practices when sharing the faith and common pitfalls people often fall in to when trying to share the faith.
I was thrilled to be invited to join Ryan O’Hara on his podcast “Better Preach.” His goal is to make the talks that Catholics give the best that they can be! I got to share some of my worst and best moments as a speaker and talk a bit about my process of preparation and philosophy of what makes good talks.
Jen Fulwiler's brand new comedy special is out now on YouTube! She sent me a fun gift in the mail about it, I watched the special and share a few of my thoughts about it.
This prayer has helped me to know peace, discern God's will & accomplish what is required of me. I highly recommend making it a part of your prayer routine. O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me...
This is a great prayer to say before receiving the Eucharist at Mass. It's a beautiful acknowledge of the gift we are about to receive. O Jesus, as I approach Your altar to receive You in the Holy Eucharist, let me desire nothing but Divine Union with You…
This is the classic Catholic prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking for guidance, strength and an increased love of God. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love…
Pray the Angelus with us. This is a popular Marian devotion often used in the middle of the work day to turn our hearts back to the Lord and ask for Our Lady's intercession.
David Bates of the Pints with Jack Podcast joins Taylor today to dive in to C.S. Lewis hit book that serves as an introduction to Christian faith.
Aaron Weber joins Taylor & Fr. Anthony Sciarappa for their yearly conversation. You may know Aaron from the Nateland Podcast, Comedy Central or his impressive stand-up schedule. The guys talk about holiday traditions, homilies, the point of going to Church & Aaron's new Comedy Central special. It's a hilarious conversation with our favorite Catholic comedian.
I got to join my friend Keith Downey on Guadalupe Radio Network’s morning show, Morning Joy. We discussed faith formation for adults and how important it is to continue to grow in your faith and knowledge of the Lord and His teachings.
I share my top ten takeaways from John Eldredge's insightful book on slowing down and reclaiming our peace in relationship with the Lord. I read this as a necessity during a time of burnout & need to rekindling my relationship with God and it was incredibly helpful.
Why do Catholics have Lent? What are the rules and requirements for Catholics during this season leading to Easter? Taylor answers all of these questions and more with a discussion of the Three Pillars of Lent, the bare minimum requirements & some suggestions for how to dive even deeper into this season of returning to the Lord.
My friends at the Catholic Ministry Professionals Podcast invited me on to discuss the joys & sufferings for working for the Church. We discussed burnout, overcoming team dysfunction & more on this episode. Listen now on Spotify or wherever you enjoy podcasts.
My book review of Mark Manson's New York Times Bestseller
What did a Catholic find true, good and beautiful about this book?
This is a long-form interview with a friend of mine named Dan about his faith journey from growing up in a nominal Catholic family, to priestly formation, to marriage and now an "almost complete de-conversion from Catholicism." He shares his story & the things that led to where he is now.
Keith over at The Cordial Catholic invited me on to his show to discuss RCIA. This is the process that non-Catholics go through in order to become Catholic. Unfortunately, at many of our parishes, the process doesn’t turn out as good as we would like. Keith and I share our thoughts on how we can follow the Church’s guidelines for forming new Catholics a little better and be more welcoming to those coming into the Church.
I was thrilled to be invited on CatholicTV’s morning show “This is the Day.” They gave me an opportunity to speak about our mission here at Forte Catholic and I’m very appreciative of that.
Our friends at EWTN aired Episode 349 of our show on their airwaves across the world on Sunday August 20th! They started a new show recently highlighting the best Catholic podcasts called “Catholics Coast to Coast.” We are grateful to them for sharing our show with their worldwide audience!
Our friends at EWTN aired Episode 335 of our show on their airwaves across the world on Sunday April 30th! They started a new show recently highlighting the best Catholic podcasts called “Catholics Coast to Coast.” We are grateful to them for sharing our show with their worldwide audience!
Stand-up comic Aaron Weber, Father Anthony and Taylor unite for their annual Christmas episode! They debate a theory about comedy that Father Anthony has and Aaron shares the funniest moral dilemma he found himself in that we've ever heard!
In this session we discuss how the Catholic Church was instituted by Christ, exists to make saints and is God's love in action in today's world. We look through the Gospels to see the Church's origin, trace it's lineage back through the old testament and discover how it has lasted for 2000 years. If you've ever asked what Catholics believe about the Church, why we have a Pope, why we have priests or what it means to be a Catholic, then this is the video for you.
Our review of Spirited, the Apple TV+ hit Christmas movie. Such a joy-filled musical comedy with a beautiful story of redemption!
A message on the themes of Advent from Allison and some Advent/Christmas Music from Taylor. Enjoy! :)
With the new Willow tv series coming to Disney+, I decided to finally watch the classic movie from before I was born. This movie is so much fun and was surprisingly hilarious! While the effects may not hold up after almost 30 years, the story, humor and characters stand the test of time.
In part 7 of our Catholic Apologetics series, we share the Church's teaching on Homosexuality & Gay Marriage. The Church is very clear on both of these topics, both giving the theological foundations for her teaching but also guidance to those struggling with same-sex attraction AND how we as the Church should treat those in this community.