Misery, Social Media Bans & Reality Checks w/Fr Joseph-Anthony Kress O.P. | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 307

Fr. Joseph-Anthony Kress O.P. has been a guest on the show many times but this is his first time in the cohost chair. He is a Dominican priest who serves as the Campus Minister at the University of Virginia. Taylor met him at a conference while Father was dressed up in a dinosaur costume and the rest is history.

They discuss how we are all more equipped to minister to people than we may expect, how Taylor avoids social media bans & how sometimes people are just trying way to hard and need to chill. We hope you enjoy this week's episode!


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Episode art by Becka Gerhart

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at bethesymbol.com.

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The Four P's, Naked Saints & Parish Life w/Jon Blevins | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 308


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