The goal of the Forte Catholic Podcast is to inspire, uplift, and share the Good News in a way that will help you take the next step in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey with God.
Stay-At-Home Mom, AARP & Temperaments w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 303
Allison Sullivan cohosts as Taylor shares a big life transition, his trip to lovely Kansas and a bit about taking risks paying off. They discuss the temperaments, a modern day Jesus food miracle, change and copycats. Enjoy! :)
Allison Sullivan cohosts as Taylor shares a big life transition, his trip to lovely Kansas and a bit about taking risks paying off.
Next, they discuss personality tests & the temperaments. Taylor shares some insights with Allison that are particular poignant and she shares her thoughts of loving people well.
Finally, they discuss a modern day Jesus food miracle, change and copycats. Enjoy! :)
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Episode art by Becka Gerhart
All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at