The goal of the Forte Catholic Podcast is to inspire, uplift, and share the Good News in a way that will help you take the next step in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey with God.
Forte Catholic Podcast Episode 104
Producer Sam is gone so Taylor crowdsourced this episode! I have dozens of listener questions to get to, some social media beef to tackle & Twitter Queen Mother/Author @TeaWithTolkien to chat Lord of the Rings and Catholicism.
Producer Sam is in the Holy Land so Taylor is all alone in the studio.....sooooo this week's show was crowd sourced! We got tons of questions and topics submitted by you the listeners. From CrossFit to Fortnite to chicken nuggets to Vatican III, we have something for everyone this week!
I also throw absolute shade at my frenemies at the Roman Circus podcast with the help of Fr. Anthony Sciarappa and throw shade at said priest with the help of his brother, producer Nick Sciarappa. Producer Sam wasn't around to carry the show so creativity and assistance from everyone involved was needed.
In the second segment, I am joined by my co-nemesis @TeaWithTolkien to talk about our "beef", her Catholic Twitter title & of course....tea & Tolkien. Check out her book here!
Tune in to this very different but super interesting(I'm biased) episode! Let me know what you think of today's format and content on social media.
@TaylorSchroll on Twitter/Instagram
@ForteCatholic on Facebook/Twitter
Forte Catholic Podcast Episode 100!
Huge celebration show planned for the 100th episode! We had 8 guests on this episode, all of which have had a huge impact on the show's history. Everyone was brought together for a grand evening indeed!
Huge celebration show planned for the 100th episode! We had 8 guests on this episode, all of which have had a huge impact on the show's history.
In the first segment, everyone's favorite Forte Catholic character, "Rocco" the Eagles super-fan, returns to the show to give us an update on the Eagles and his faith. Then Taylor's two favorite priests, Fr. Anthony Sciarappa and Fr. Jared Cooke, face off to see if one of them can reign supreme by the end.
In the second segment, the bros Lance Rosen of the Catholic Coaster Podcast and Alex Gotay rejoin the show. We all make fun of each other, talk faith and culture & of course continue the Texas vs. Canada debate.
In the final segment, Chris Bartlett and J.P. Quinn rejoin the show with our surprise guest to talk favorite podcasts, Forte Catholic memories, Fortnite & more.
A huge thank you to everyone who has ever listened to the show, supported, shared, reviewed, etc. I couldn't have made it to 100 episodes without you. I hope you continue to enjoy as we #MakeCatholicismFunAgain together!