The goal of the Forte Catholic Podcast is to inspire, uplift, and share the Good News in a way that will help you take the next step in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey with God.

Radio, Ep 341-360 Taylor Schroll Radio, Ep 341-360 Taylor Schroll

Honky Tonk Confessional, Coolness & Old Church w/Fr. Anthony Sciarappa | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 366

Taylor has some confessions to make! Two extremely repressed (for good reason) memories just resurfaced & he wanted to share them with you & Fr. Anthony. They debate which of them are cooler & what coolness has to do with living out our faith. They also talk about how old our Church is, some of the things about it that have made it stand the test of time that might also be the same reasons we get frustrated with it. Fr. Anthony shares some good ol' fancy Catholic words that Taylor (and you!) have to guess what they mean.

Taylor has some confessions to make! Two extremely repressed (for good reason) memories just resurfaced and he wanted to share them with you & Fr. Anthony. They both involve musical performances from Jr High/High School. Fr. Anthony is TRULY shocked by one of them!

They also debate which of them are cooler. After hearing stories about both of their childhoods, they discuss "coolness" and what makes someone cool in childhood & how it may be different than in adulthood. They also discuss what our faith has to do with "coolness" and a revelation Taylor had that shouldn't be a revelation.

Finally, they talk about how old our Church is, some of the things about it that have made it stand the test of time that might also be the same reasons we get frustrated with it. Fr. Anthony shares some good ol fancy Catholic words that Taylor (and you!) have to guess what they mean.

This was a really fun episode to record and we hope that you enjoy it! :)

Forte Catholic is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Support the work with a tax-deductible donation here. Thanks!

Produced by Taylor Schroll
Editing & Episode art by Sarah Allen

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at

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Radio, Ep 341-360 Taylor Schroll Radio, Ep 341-360 Taylor Schroll

Childhood, Slumps & Alphabet Game w/ Kathryn Whitaker | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 348

Kathryn & Taylor discuss how to break slumps in faith & talk about how they're the same/different than they were as kids & play the faith version of the alphabet game.

Taylor kicks off the show by asking Kathryn about her history with sports. They discuss how to break a slump in sports and what that teaches us about breaking slumps in our faith. Kathryn also gives the best sports team name of all time!

Next, they play the faith based version of the alphabet game. They attempt to have discussions about faith topics with every alternating sentences that have to start with the next letter in the alphabet. It's silly and leads to some outrageous statements.

Finally, Taylor realizes that he doesn't know much about Kathryn's childhood so they share stories about how they're very similar now to as they were as kids and some other ways where they are very different.

Forte Catholic is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Support the work with a tax-deductible donation here. Thanks!

Produced by Taylor Schroll
Editing & Episode art by Sarah Allen

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at

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