The goal of the Forte Catholic Podcast is to inspire, uplift, and share the Good News in a way that will help you take the next step in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey with God.

Radio, Ep 201-220 Taylor Schroll Radio, Ep 201-220 Taylor Schroll

Forte Catholic Podcast Episode 211

-A story of two football games that made Taylor realize what's been going on in his life

-Allison's adoption story

-A story of two cars that made Taylor realize what's been going on in his life

The show kicks off with Taylor sharing the story of two football games that looked very similar on the scoreboard but were very different experiences for him and his players. It made Taylor realize the unhealthy mindset he's had lately( might have it to)

In the second segment, Allison shares her story of adoption: the beauty, the struggles and the lessons. This is the first time her and Taylor have discussed it publicly and it gives a big insight into who Allison is. She also shares some of the nuggets of wisdom she's learned through the process.

Finally, Taylor shares how different he treats his new car from his old one and what that says about how we view ourselves.


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Episode art by Rebekah Landry.

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at

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