Ordinations, Repetition & Jesus w/Kathryn Whitaker | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 330

Taylor shares a beautiful story from a Deacon ordination he added that also had a funny ending. They also discuss the importance of repetition & a few reflections on the life of Jesus.

Today's episode is brought to you in part by Almighty Legends. Their goal is to deliver a unique and thoughtful action figure line that will create a positive change in the way collectors, both young and seasoned, collect and play. Almighty Legends aims to blend the greatest story ever told with the youthful imagination of those that love classic action figures. These figures are based on the Bible and take a legendary approach.

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Produced by Taylor Schroll
Edited by Nate Bentz
Episode art by Becka Gerhart

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at bethesymbol.com.

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