Wall Street Journal, Bartender Jesus & Prayer Regiments w/Liv Harrison | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 294

To everyone's amazement, Taylor & Forte Catholic were mentioned in this week's Wall Street Journal. He tells Liv the story of how it all unfolded.

Next, Taylor asks a seemingly strange question about Jesus' first miracle that leads to a question about implicity/fault in sin.

Finally, they talk about their prayer routines/regiments that they use as a foundation for their prayer life. Enjoy!


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Episode art by Becka Gerhart

All music used on the show is by Brandon “BeTheSymbol” Morel. Find his music at bethesymbol.com.

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Father Anthony Comes to Texas!!! | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 295


Old Ladies, Sleepy Faith & Back to Basics w/Allison Sullivan | Forte Catholic Podcast Ep 293