Make Catholicism Fun Again!
Making Catholicism Fun Again! Taylor’s session for the Smart Catholics Conference speaking about the Joy of the Gospel.
Making Catholicism Fun Again! My session for the Smart Catholics Conference Taylor Schroll speaks on the Joy of the Gospel
Pope Francis wrote in Joy of the Gospel, “there are many Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter.” Too often, as Catholics, we forget that the Gospel message truly is good news! The power of the Resurrection is offered to us by Jesus. The good news should permeate our lives so we can be radiant in joy and share that with the world.
Use this link to get the rest of the conference for half the price! (Just $6!!!) 38 top Catholic speakers for almost 10 hours of great content. Proceeds go to support the work of Forte Catholic. Thanks!
Life After the "Conference High"
One does not simply bring a young person to a youth conference and not help them continue to grow in their faith when they return home. Watch this short video on how to help youth continue to live for Christ after the "conference high" wears off.
On my most recent appearance on the Beyond the Pew video series from Ablaze Ministries, I talk about how to help kids continue to "fan the flame of faith" after attending a youth conference. Conferences have a special place in my heart as I had my conversion at a youth conference the summer after my 8th grade year. Many young people struggle to continuing growing in their faith in the weeks and months following an encounter with Christ at a conference.
In this video, I give some tips and guidance on how parents can assist their kids in cultivating a deep faith after the "conference high" goes away.
This video first appeared on