Back in my college days, I had the privilege of leading worship for this conference a couple times and am thrilled to have been invited back to be the keynote speaker for the day!
Each year, over 1200 youth from in and around San Antonio, TX get together to spend a day with friends & family to take a step closer into their relationship with the Holy Spirit. The greatest of all-time gift from The One True God who loves us all the same! Every youth and adult that enters this event receives God's embrace, compassion, and peace. Here is the mission we carry:
* Bring teens to experience Jesus through the grace of Pentecost
* Help teens experience the Bigger Church (outside their parishes)
* Create a teen friendly atmosphere
* Centered around the Holy Eucharist
Focusing on peer-to-peer ministry while keeping the youth connected, we gather youth together to see what the needs are of today's society and allow the Holy Spirit to show us God's truth. Eventhough God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, He knows the desires of every generation. Therefore, only through God's wisdom, we pray and discern about the theme for each year.
"We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that comes from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not the words taught to us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Holy Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words." (1 Cor 2:12-13)
The days kicks off with ground moving praise & worship which leads to inspiring skits, talks, and Earth-shattering Empowerment. Keynote speakers are always entertaining and share life-changing testimonies. Through live music, God always provides a band who brings you high-energy praise & the ability to rip open the veil of Heaven through worship creating an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.