Find every episodes of the Forte Catholic Podcast here!
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The game created to break Fr. Anthony "Freestyle Preaching" is unleashed upon him for the first time. Taylor shares about his first experience back to Confession and Mass since the pandemic began. Episode also includes rants about dumb "small t" traditions, scolding people in Church, like meaning more than love and so much more!
Taylor and Liv share memories from specific years in their life and how these and other memories shaped who they are and how they can help us through tough times. Joe Melendrez joins the show to discuss baldness, moles, workaholism and more. We close the show by introducing a BRAND NEW SEGMENT called Freestyle Preaching.
Jon "Bearded" Blevins cohosts and Taylor shares some recent reviews of the show and how he gets in trouble on the internet. Professional counselor Kelsey Johnson joins the show in studio to chat about mental health, especially in this strange time. Jon gets his first crack at the new "Chicken Soup for the Schroll" segment and the guys share a few heartwarming stories.
Fr. Anthony cohosts and the show is hilarious from the start! Taylor throws him off within seconds and then they discuss the very important topics of being angry when God shows up and priests listening to love songs. Our guests this week are the wonderful founders of Catholic Christian Outreach, André & Angèle Regnier The show ends with the anticipated debut of the "Chicken Soup for the Schroll" segment.
After taking a week off for vacation, Forte Catholic is back with a bang! This is one of the best shows we've had in quite some time. Liv Harrison cohosts as Taylor shares about his vacation and they share their love for Hamilton. Patrick Neve of the Crunch podcast joins the show to help Taylor mess with Liv and share about his new endeavor: Bonaventure's Book Club.
Bearded Blevins and Taylor have a bone to pick with each other and end up discussing love languages and the over-emphasis of busyness. Sam Rocha joins the show for a follow-up conversation on his recent debate with Trent Horn about socialism.
Taylor compliments Fr. Anthony to start the show so he knew he was in for a wild show. They chat family, parenthood, & people saying dumb things so Fr. Harrison Ayre comes to save the day by sharing how we can all be smarter. Enjoy this episode of Clerically Forte!
Liv Harrison announces an exciting new venture and a beautiful story about her parents. Taylor shares his "accomplishments" & Fr. Darryl Millette joins the show to have some fun with us!
It's been a very difficult week for our country. This was a tough one to record but we wanted to share our hearts and thoughts with our community in response to the tragedy of George Floyd's death. Jon Blevins joins Taylor to discuss how we're feeling about the whole situation. Meg Hunter-Kilmer joins to share her radical calling from the Lord and about some of her favorite saints of color.
After a hectic week, Taylor decides to go solo on an episode for the first time since 2017. He's joined in the second segment by Fr. Cassidy Stinson for a conversation on crushing demons and the differences between how priests are trained now and back in the day.
HUGE NEWS for Taylor and Forte Catholic in the first segment of today's show! Fr. Anthony cohosts to help reveal the news, play the revived "Life Verse" game and speak with Coach Anthony Simon about Fortitude.
Liv Harrison cohosts and said the most ridiculous thing on the internet so it made Taylor bring back a classic game. They also discuss learning through failure with the help of some of our greatest stories and Fr. Agustino joins the show to share his corazon with us.
Taylor and Beardless Blevins discuss the two holidays of the week, why some people refuse to enjoy their Catholicism, how the road to Emmaus is a perfect story for us in quarantine and Pete Burak shares about success in young adult ministry.
Allison Sullivan is now TikTok famous. Meanwhile Taylor’s world is falling apart and everyone seems to be enjoying it lol. Koji de Ramos is our guest and shares how he’s using his awesome creative gifts to build the culture with The Culture Project. Allison and Taylor argue about how to pronounce words and then segue seamlessly into discussing one of the last chapters of John’s Gospel.
Fr. Anthony and Taylor talk video games and an update on Taylor’s spiritual and physical health(including an impromptu live weighing). Taylor kinda goes off the rails at some point and it’s fun to hear Fr. Anthony try to reign him in. Comedian Aaron Weber rejoins the show to bring us some deep, hearty laughter :)
Liv Harrison joins Taylor to share their strange experiences of Holy Week and play a new game. Comedian Jeremy McLellan rejoins the show to bring us joy. Happy Easter from all of us at Forte Catholic! :)
Jon Blevins cohosts and we find ourselves in the middle of a cancelled Holy Week. We chat about a couple ways we're trying to enter in to the beauty of this week even though we're stuck at home. We’re joined by Lauren Montgomery of the Catholic Commons podcast on this forced Monasticism we find ourselves in(well not Taylor...but whatevs lol).
Allison Sullivan has become a TikTok mom during the quarantine, Taylor is identifying with antagonists in Scripture way too much and Edmund Mitchell shares his internal monologue with us. We hope this brings you joy in the midst of the craziness :)
Taylor and Fr. Anthony have a friend fight. Father tries to explain two terrible sermons and Taylor Tripodi joins the show to discuss surrender…and they all argue about who’s senior prom was worse.
Are we all stuck because of the virus? Yes. Is Forte Catholic going to stop bringing joy to people by Making Catholicism Fun Again? HECK NOOOOO. Liv Harrison cohosts, gives Taylor a massive headache and they argue about which one of them is a better bride.
The world is going crazy with the coronavirus and most of us have extra time on our hands. Fr. Brad Doyle and Taylor wanted to give you the gift of extra content this week. One day we may all have to leave and go to space. Therefore, the guys discuss what Mass would be like in space. There was a ton of laughter that we hope will bring you joy in this strange time. Blessings :)
Allison Sullivan co-hosts and shares in Taylor’s stress. They talk about finding ways to beat stress and Allison wants to fight Taylor and thinks she would win lol. They also talk about the Genius Women’s conference and how Taylor had his first weekend alone with his kids because of it. Theresa Zoe Williams rejoins the show to continue the theme of stress and parenting.
Taylor is still a bit overwhelmed but never fear, Jon “Bearded” Blevins is here to save the show with a laundry list of random takes ranging from the faith, to breakfast choices to marriage to the XFL. This show has something for everyone!
Our 3rd annual “Limping Into Lent” involves Taylor and Fr. Anthony yelling about their rough weeks, the priest trying to help Taylor off the brink of insanity and Logan Mayes joins to share cringe Catholicism stories. What a wild start to Lent!
Liv Harrison co-hosts and drives Taylor mental! We run the gamut of topics: neti pots, Liv’s insanity, Taylor’s meal preferences & how the desert fathers think we’re bad Catholics.
Our guest this week is a VERY special treat!
Allison Sullivan steals the spotlight in the first segment to talk about her conversion and Taylor’s lack thereof. Chika Anyanwu joins us to share her life story and what drives her. Finally, Taylor shares one of his pet peeves about “manliness” in the Church.
Jon Blevins is now a girl dad so he and Taylor discuss fatherhood. Taylor’s best friend joins the show and we mostly ask him why he’s not Catholic yet and get insight into High School Taylor. Finally, Jon and Taylor discuss the Super Bowl and share their respective rants on the halftime show.
Taylor and Fr. Anthony compare and contrast mystery novels with Catholic teaching. Rakhi McCormick shares her journey from Hinduism to Catholicism. The guys discuss the recent passing of Kobe Bryant, Taylor putting his foot in his mouth and praying for the dead.
Liv Harrison cohosts and desperately wanted to talk about the Golden Globes…so we did. She also shares about her upcoming conference and the feminine genius while Taylor insists on mansplaining things. Our guest this week is Chris Mueller of Everyday Catholic to share the heart of a father as he and his family rally around their son who has cancer.
Taylor makes co-host Allison Sullivan squirm. He also shares his crowning achievement and the two new ways he's going to be juussst like Jesus(*eyerolls ensued*). They also go through some pretty wild reviews of the show. Fr. Chris Ortega shares his story of growing up as a first generation latino American.
Jon “Bearded” Blevins cohosts and boy is he salty…but he’s also very kind. :) He and Taylor discuss getting back into the swing of things after Christmas break and give the “State of the Show” with updates and the best shows of 2019! Our guests this week are the authors of Uncompromising Purity, Everett Fritz and Kelsey Skoch to bring to the light that pornography is not just a men’s issue.
As promised, here is the Rise of Skywalker spoilercast. Long time listeners of the podcast will remember Producer Sam(the first cohost of the show). She makes her glorious return while in town for the holidays to argue with Taylor about their RoS takes! Enjoy :)
Recorded live in the media center at #SLS20! Fr. Anthony had to deal with Taylor in person. Our guest this week was the live audience as we called people up throughout the show to share insights and their hot takes that Fr. Anthony and Taylor judged. This was a blast to record!
A Christmas Extravaganza Spectacular Special Edition! Jesus is here whether you had a good Advent or not. Taylor didn’t and has some encouragement for people like him. Also, cohost Shaun McAfee almost got stabbed at Church! Our guest is the host of the PopeCast to discuss the new Netflix movie “The Two Popes” with Taylor.
Taylor went to jury duty and learned something special about the connection between Church & State. Our guest this week is Fr. Tim Grumbach to fight over which baseball team Mary belongs to and explain why he’s definitely not the surfing priest. Finally, Taylor tells Liv she can share from her hardship but mostly just talks about shaving his beard.
Taylor got ejected from a HS basketball game at the school where he is the campus minister and he and Bearded Blevins give our live commentary on a homily we got of Fr. Anthony’s. HILARIOUS!! 😂 😂 😂
Taylor and Allison are back from Thanksgiving break to talk about eating too much, make fun of each other and discuss taking their respective kids to Frozen 2. ‘Tis the season! Stacey Sumereau returns to the show to share about her recent viral post that was seen by over 17 million people!
Taylor went to NCYC, Fr. Anthony went to a ditch. Dustin Bertrand wrote a book that Taylor has a better title for. This show was wild! Enjoy it along with all the other craziness Thanksgiving brings :)
Shaun McAfee cohosts as Taylor shares about his upcoming pilgrimage and begrudgingly let’s Shaun promote his newest book…which turns out to be actually a lot of fun. Who woulda thought? Our guest this week is Han Solo impersonator Tim Glemkowski to discuss parish life.
Allison Sullivan cohosts with a skinny margarita in hand as Taylor shares insights from one of his recent talks, they play a new game invented by a rocket scientist and talk to a dinosaur priest about women’s ministry. What! A! Show!
Jon “Bearded” Blevins has hot takes on Thanksgiving food so strong he needed to share them three weeks early. We’re also rejoined by the ol Fr. Jared Cooke to revisit the topic of obedience…how stinkin hard it is but how important it is for our spiritual lives.
Liv Harrison cohosts, Taylor turns 30, Kanye dropped a new album and Taylor once slept the guest’s bed(not as weird as it sounds.) Oscar “IIX” Rivera is a dope speaker, musician, and shares how holiness isn’t just being a carbon copy of a saint.
Fr. Anthony cohosts in what may be our fastest paced joke fest ever recorded! Our guest is recording artist Amanda Vernon to share about how God wrecked her romance and yet it all turned out great! In the final segment, Fr. Anthony shares about his homily and gets heckled.
Cohost Shaun McAfee is our correspondent in Rome sharing his experience of attending the canonization of five new saints. Richaél Lucero shares why she’s clumsy and what a theosis is. Jake Stanley defends his nefarious friend and daily reading of Scripture.
Allison Sullivan cohosts the 3rd anniversary show! Taylor took a 9th grade theology test and…it didn’t go well. The ladies from Project Light join to share about their film for young women “Speaking to Sparrows.” And the final segment was, in Allison’s words, the “squirreliest” we’ve ever done. Enjoy!
Catholics have been super hateful this week and Taylor is not happy about it. BUT Dr. Peter Kreeft comes in to save the day! This absolute legendary Catholic thought leader joins us to talk about his new book to help us dive deeper into the best Gospel. Cohost Liv Harrison lightens the mood by cringing at a new Catholic superstition Taylor learned this week.
Fr Anthony is funnier than ever, Taylor yells at him, a priest more popular than him comes on the show…FUN TIMES! Fr Rob Galea shares the story of redemption that led him from gangs, addiction and depression to a beautiful life in the priesthood. Everett Fritz rejoins the show to talk about common struggles in prayer and how we actually may know more than we think.
Allison Sullivan cohosts this week to join Taylor in conversations about lightning storms, supervillains, prophets and nightmares. Our guest Kathryn Whitaker shares her story of dealing with loss and pain, how it affected her relationship with Christ and, as a bonus, how to share your faith without being a weirdo.
Jon Blevins and Taylor discuss our fight or flight mentalities and how those affect our spiritual lives. Katie Prejean McGrady joins to talk about Ready Player One and the guys finish the show talking about Christian leadership by focusing on an unsung hero of the early Church, Barnabas.
Jesus told a parable that wasn’t a parable, Taylor has strong takes on the first two Rocky films in his first time binge watch and Rachel Bulman joins the show to share her tremendous life story.
Taylor and Fr. Anthony celebrate 150 episodes by looking back at some of our favorite memories of the show with the help from our listeners. They’re also joined by two fan favorites making their grand return to the show and one person making their debut who has been influential to the show since the beginning. The guys finish off the episode by facing off in a Bible City or Sith Lord game.
Allison Sullivan cohosts as Taylor shares his experience at the recent Encounter Texas Conference and the reminder to go back to the basic truths of the Gospel. Mary Lenaburg joins the show to share her story of leaning into God through the most difficult moments in her life. Allison and Taylor close the show talking about a new ministry they helped start locally for evangelization.
Liv Harrison cohosts as her and Taylor share their recent struggles in life. It’s real people! Our guest this week is Giancarlo Bernini, a Catholic magician who was recently on the hit TV show “Penn and Teller: Fool Us!” This young man is phenomenal at using his illusions to start conversation about the transcendentals of truth, beauty and goodness.
Jon Blevins cohosts and celebrates his one year anniversary of being on the show! Taylor shares why he’s been crying while listening to podcasts in the woods and Jon shares about the recent conference on engaging youth he attended hosted by the USCCB. Our guest this week is fellow Catholic gamer/YouTuber Brian Montfort to talk about the pitfalls of video games, how to avoid them and why we still play.
Shaun McAfee cohosts to force Taylor to share updates to the intro, his thoughts on scary Churches, their failures as parents, the most ridiculous promotion ever, what it actually means to have integrity & how we may have been setting ridiculous standards for ourselves. Our guest is the host of Catholic Sports Radio, Bruce Wawrzyniak.
Allison and Taylor share travel stories including her getting tackled in an airport! They also discuss the often misunderstood Catholic Social Teaching & share their dueling Forte Five Countdowns of best bible verses to yell in public. Dave Neeson of Catholic Athletes for Christ joins the show to talk about his work with the NFL, providing Sacraments to a high number of Catholics in professional football.
Kaitlyn “Tea With Tolkien” Facista rejoins the show with Fr. Anthony and Taylor to break the Catholic internet! Discussions include looking back at crappy situations, video games, things Taylor knows nothing about, the Silmarillion and the swamp pit of social media. Yay!
The Return of the King! Co-host Jon “Bearded” Blevins is back after a two month hiatus! We catch up on his world travels, play a new game “Guess that Saint” and are joined by Leo Gallegos to have a convo about the interconnectedness of the mind, body and spirit.
“Let's talk about Jesus and by that I mean the movie Aladdin” -Taylor
Shaun McAfee cohosts to talk about the theme of trust with Taylor and this week's guest, Adrian from the Dude Catholic podcast. They also decide once and for all which spirituality type is the best!
Allison Sullivan cohosts to see how the new Harry Potter game relates to our relationship with God, face off with Taylor in trivia and talk with DJ Bernal about Christian leadership.
Fr. Anthony co-hosts to join Taylor in discussions on imaginative prayer and reverence vs. familiarity with Christ and how the two may have to work together. This week’s guest is Sam Guzman of the Catholic Gentleman to explain to Taylor what toxic masculinity is and how to change it.
Allison Sullivan cohosts as her and Taylor make fun of each other, discuss dealing with haters & are joined by a Guinness world record holder, author, TEDx talk giver and literal freer of slaves, Chris Field. Taylor also shares a funny cemetery story(wait…what!?!?)
Liv Harrison is back as guest co-host! Her and Taylor start the show by sharing their odd confession/adoration experience minutes before the show started. They continue the show by talking about some new angles they’ve experienced in community, friendship & trust.
Shaun McAfee rejoins as cohost at long last. The guys catch up on everything thats happened, including Taylor’s recent retreat WHERE HE WAS QUIET?!?! They discuss the fruits of the retreat including the power of silence, intercessory prayer and…werewolves & Canadian football???
Allison Sullivan cohosts for discussions on when our best isn’t good enough, dealing with our weaknesses and why God doesn't give us the whole plan when we ask Him what to do. The answer may surprise you. We’re also joined by Dustin Bertrand to laugh hysterically but also hear from the depths of his heart about what “God made, self driven” has meant to him.
Fr. Anthony co-hosts a hilarious episode with odd angles on Christ as the Good Shepherd. We talk about broken legs, scary sheep dogs & a cartoon that wrecked Taylor’s world. Ali Hoffman rejoins the show to share about Oodles of Doodles, Taylor’s terrible handwriting and more. She brings such a joy to the show. Enjoy!
Liv Harrison guest co-hosts as we record through a tornado warning! We catch up on life, play a game perfectly fit for the dreary day & the weather is a perfect backdrop to finish our discussion the book of Revelation.
The biggest pop culture weekend…ever?!?! Fr. Anthony joins to discuss this, it’s implications on our spiritual lives, & debunk misconceptions about the book of Revelation. We’re also joined by one of Taylor’s role models, Ennie Hickman!
Easter is here! Allison Sullivan co-hosts as we continue in Easter joy by talking about the season, how our Lent went and have a hilarious guest in Dominican Priest & Chaplain at the University of Virginia, Fr. Joseph-Anthony Kress.
Bearded Blevins co-hosts as we discuss Tiger Woods winning the Masters and what that has to do with Taylor’s spiritual life. We also look through the Passion narrative and connect with some characters we’ve barely noticed before. Our guest this week is recently retired professional soccer player Luke Vercollone. We discuss his career and striving for sainthood.
The Ministry Madness Bracket results are in! Tune in now to find out who won! Shaun McAfee cohosts and our guest is former Broadway & reality TV star Stacey Sumereau.
Demons, the name of Jesus, a pointless game, Janet from the Good Place & Edmund Mitchell. What more could you want in a conversation?!?!
Different format for this week’s show. Multiple co-hosts & and in person interview with Allison Sullivan & Liv Harrison…which becomes one of the wildest 30 minutes we’ve ever had.
The reveal of the 3rd annual Ministry Madness Bracket, discussion and misconceptions of Memento Mori & Paul George rejoins the show for a deep conversation on the beauty and difficulties of marriage.
Fr. Anthony Sciarappa co-hosts as the guys checkin on how Lent is going so far(uhhhh....whoops) and talk about the ups and downs of the last week. Beth Davis of Blessed Is She joins the show to talk about women’s ministry and the importance of community.
Our 2nd Annual “Limping Into Lent” where we go through audience suggestions of what Taylor should do for Lent and ultimately decide which one of the crazy suggestions to do. Allison Sullivan co-host and Canadian Patrick Sullivan is our guest to talk about Catholics watching what everyone else is watching on TV.
In the wake of the 91st Academy Awards, Taylor wanted to give out his own awards. Shaun McAfee co-hosts as the guys give out their own awards for movies and…Scripture? Supreme G.K. Chesterton scholar Dale Ahlquist gives us an introduction into the “prince of paradox.”
Jeremy McLellan, the comedian currently winning the internet, is our guest this week to make us laugh and so we can find out how he makes such controversial issues hilarious. Allison Sullivan co-hosts as we talk about how we often forget in moments of weakness that God’s love really is unconditional and she falls apart when we answer dumb listener questions.
Katie Prejean McGrady joins the show for a bonus episode on the recent Galentine’s Day minor controversy. Do single women want their married/dating friends there? Also, Katie shares insight on dating and marriage for everyone: male, female, single or married. This spur of the moment convo is silly, fun and our guest is insightful. If that’s not Forte Catholic, I don’t know what is!
Jon Blevins cohosts to give an update from inside Exodus90 & the guys talk about spiritual dry spells, how to deal with them and ultimately get out. Joel Stepanek rejoins the show to give some clarity on humility.
Taylor and Fr. Anthony discuss the Super Bowl, ad orientum Mass and things Taylor should have known about the liturgy but didn’t. Our guest is David Bates: owner of great British accent, love of CS Lewis and fancy words that Taylor learns.
The countdown of the Top 10 most popular episodes through half of 2020
Shaun McAfee cohosts as the guys talk about how there is sooo much more to our relationship with God than we often think. They also discuss the joys of Fatherhood with the help of Pokemon, Ariana Grande & the founder of Stay Close to Christ.
Fr. Anthony co-hosts quite possibly the funniest episode to date. Taylor shares follow up to his public take on #Exodus90, how the audience tricked Taylor into being a better person and Fr. Anthony argues that we should blow up the moon.
Taylor forgot to pray for you, Allison Sullivan teaches him how to pray better, Mary Bielski talks authenticity and Rocco needs some healing.
Bearded Blevins is back by popular demand and joins Taylor to discuss #Seek2019 & New Year’s Resolutions. We’re also joined by the founder of Swole Catholic to talk about the link between faith and working out.
We look back at the highlights of 2018, talk about the importance of remembering, talk to Brandon “Be The Symbol” Morel about what the universality of Catholicism practically means AND reveal the Top Ten most downloaded podcast episodes in 2018. Tune in!
Keeping Christmas going, pranks on Fr. Anthony, AND professional comedian Aaron Weber joins the show. Keep that Christmas spirit going by listening to this holiday extravaganza!
In the final Advent show of 2018, Allison Sullivan co-hosts as we talk waiting, suffering, giving back and of course…the fact that we’re all dumb dumb DUMB sheep.
Taylor is back from NCCYM with stories & insights. Fr. Jared returns to co-host. We have a friendly homily battle and discuss finding a home in a broken Church w/help from the lyrics of “Who You Say I Am.” Leila Miller is our guest this week as we discuss controversial topics like sex outside of marriage & modesty from her latest book "Made This Way: How To Prepare Kids To Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues."
Don’t use half your brain, “hug people and bring a rope”, drink a lot the Catholic way this holiday season, free speech booths are stupid and more on this week’s show! Fr. Anthony co-hosts and Michael Foley joins as our guest.
Shaun McAfee co-hosts as we talk about Taylor’s recent trip to the National Youth Workers Convention, why Satan fell, experiencing beautiful Church’s….and we roast each other a lot too…so there’s that. We’re also joined by internationally acclaimed author and speaker CHRIS STEFANICK! We discuss his new book about letting God rewrite how we see ourselves.
Fr. Anthony co-hosts as we talk keeping things simple, humility and why truths stand the test of time. We’re also rejoined by the coolest monk you’ve ever heard of, Fr. Augustine Wetta, to discuss his new fantasy novel about Odysseus traveling through Dante’s Inferno.
Taylor has a ridiculous 24 hours, we answer more of your questions, Theresa Zoe Williams makes her podcast debut to help us find God in secular songs and we make a big announcement about the future of the show.
Finally back from her trip to the Holy Land and the sickness that ensued, Sam returns and we update each other on what's happened in the last month. She weighs in on all the shenanigans we pulled while she was gone AND she shares her experience of traveling to the Holy Land for the first time.
Producer Sam and Fr. Jared Cooke were SUPPOSED to be back for this episode but they both got sick in the Holy Land. So instead, guest producer AJ Barrows and I talk about what we would do if we won the 1.6 billion dollar lotto and who would win in a fight: Taylor or a baby elephant. We also have the author of “Jesus Loves Movies” to chat about connecting our favorite films to our faith.
Allison Sullivan co-hosts! Former Swiss Guard Andreas Widmer joins as our guest! Tis a good one folks! We talk the good, bad and ugly of our week and answer more of your questions, including a deep convo on what we look for in friends. Tune in!
Producer Sam is gone so Taylor crowdsourced this episode! I have dozens of listener questions to get to, some social media beef to tackle & Twitter Queen Mother/Author @TeaWithTolkien to chat Lord of the Rings and Catholicism.
Two year anniversary of Forte Catholic going on the air for the first time! Chris Mueller of “EverydayCatholic.com” joins the show to talk about leading from the pews. We also have convos about Producer Sam’s upcoming trip to the Holy Land, Beyoncé’s “Halo”, conversation with Twitter bots & #InternationalPodcastDay.
My appearance on Bill Snyder’s “Young Catholics Respond” as part 2 of our podcast crossover event. We talk complacency & the “why” behind faith.
Taylor had a loooong week. Producer Sam had a rough week. So we decide to laugh through the pain and the stress. Join us for the fun! We also do another podcast crossover event with “Young Catholics Respond.”
This episode we talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. We do this through discussions of the Captain Marvel trailer, the aftermath of Avenger’s Infinity War, & a classic Old Testament story. We are also joined by Tony Vasinda of ProjectYM to talk about the work they are doing to support youth ministers across the globe.
I join David Ross on his show “Catholic Vs.” to share my story of faith, struggles and we talk about the recent abuse scandal response.
Fr. Anthony, Liv & Jon all join the show together for the first time to celebrate our 200th episode! We take some time to get to know each other and air greivances about working with Taylor. Then Taylor decides which cohost he likes the best by making them all play "Freestyle Preaching," & Fr. Anthony comes up with a segment of ranking things where we all argue best movies franchises, video games and BBQ.